Mr. T.I / Saitama Japan MAZDA CX-5 2008model

【Before application】

【After application】

I applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating in October 21, 2018.
It was sunny, but not hot, so the liquid didn’t dry quickly.
Then I could apply it smoothly event though my first time.

I thought that ceramic coating was more time consuming than wax.
However, I eradicated the image after I met Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating.

It was difficult to find the difference due to brand new, but after application was much shiner when I compared with photos.
I want to keep this beautiful condition for long time.
Moreover, it repelled water surprisingly while driving in rainy days and there are less water spots on the car body.
I’m going to wait eagerly for rainy days.