BMW 5.2 Super Pika Pika Rain Glass Coating Application【Movie】

I am showing the condition about 12 hours after the application of Super Pika Pika Rain.

Working time was totally 3 hours in the evening.

For car wash and making base took 2 hours, and then around  half an hour for application.

Application was easy, and it went well.

I was worrying  about night dew, but when I checked the car 7 in the next morning,

glass coating had completed in good condition without problems.

I will do double coating by left-over liquid in the bottle of Super Pika Pika Rain.

Renault on Super Pika Pika Rain movie: glass coating application

At first sight of Pika Pika Rain bottle, “Wow, is this enough for a car? Too small… “I was worried.

Liquid spread very well, but I applied too much first so the roof has not been applied yet.

3 days after, the gloss became stronger than soon after the application.

I was so so surprised at seeing great hydrophobic effect! I am pouring water on my car in movie.

Cleaning up the car became quite easy! Only by wiping off! I am so happy to see my car like brand new!