Car Detailing Guide for Beginner’s
You must feel like you are on the top of the world when you get your first car.
I remember I was so excited to go to the car dealer when my car was delivered.
Brand new car is of course clean and shiny and I was happy just to look at it.
However 1 month later we find a problem.
Yes your car gets dirty…
Once you see the dirty car, driving is not that fun and we wonder where the exciting feeling was gone.
How can we keep our cars clean?
Here’s the guide of beginner’s car detailing.
Step 01 Car Wash

(1) Water supply
If you have an outside water tap then it’s ok but if you park your car in a shared car park or somewhere you cannot wash, you have to find a place such as a car wash place.
(2) Hose
Essential tool to wash a car. At a car wash place you can use the equipped one.
(3) Bucket
When you use a car shampoo, you need one. You can get it at 100yen shop!
(4) Car shampoo (neutral detergent)
You can purchase at a car accessories shops such as Autobacs. Some people use kitchen detergent instead.
Some people use kitchen detergent instead.
(5) Cloth
Microfiber cloth would be the best. Available at a car accessories shop and a hardware store.
(1) Rinse thoroughly

Car wash is the best way to clean your car. If you wash your car every week, it will keep the shine for many years.
If you think weekly car wash is too much, wash your car at least once a month.
First rinse your car thoroughly with plenty of water and remove loose dirt and grime. If you start washing without this step, your car will get scratches.
And do not work in direct sunlight.
(2) Make soapy water

Put water in the bucket and pour the car shampoo.
Stir and make bubbles.
Let’s start washing once you make enough bubbles.
(3) Wash

Soak the microfiber cloth and wash your car from the top down. For example: Roof →hood → door
Wash the bottom parts such as wheels in the end as they are the dirtiest parts.
Also use another clean microfiber cloth when you wash window parts.
(4) Rinse

After you wash your car with the bubbles, rinse your car with plenty of water.
If the car shampoo solution is left, it might leave some streaks.
(5) Wipe

Dry your car with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.
This is the most important and hardest part of car wash.
If you do not wipe and dry the car body quickly, water drops might dry up and leave water spots.
Use another dry microfiber cloth to dry completely if needed.
Wipe small parts such as window and door jambs as well.
(6) Clean!

Now your car is clean.
If you want more shine, let’s move to Step 02.
Step 02 Car Coating

For those who wants to get more shine and gloss, please try a car coating.
There are variety of car coating: car wax, polymer coating and glass coating.
Here’s some tips what to choose.
Reasonable x easy application ・・・ Hard wax or liquid wax
Easy x less mistakes ・・・ Polymer coating spray
High grade x long durability ・・・ Car glass coating
Car wax is good to get quick gloss without spending a lot of money.
Spray polymer coating for easy application.
For brand new cars glass coating is recommended.
Those car coatings are available at online marketplace or car accessories shops. Find the one for you.

Do not apply any coatings, wax, polymer or glass coating when it’s raining or under blazing sun.
More possibility to end if failure.
Do not work under direct sunlight as the coating solution dries quickly before wiping.
Also use proper amount of the coating solution. Applying too much solution might cause foggy streaks.
After coating ・・・ ?

Some people misunderstand that if you apply car coating, you do not need to wash your car.
Dirt is hardly attached after coating but you still need a regular car wash.
Dirt will definitely be on the car coating and if you leave it, it might adhere to the car body.
None of car coatings offer maintenance free.
Regular car wash is necessary to keep your car clean.
Extra edition Remove dirt and scratchers

If your car body is covered all over with scratches, you can remove them by polishing with compound.
Some people believe that’s professional’s job but if they are shallow and light ones, it’s not that difficult to do it by yourself.
Try to remove small scratches first. Put liquid compound on a sponge and rub. If you think you can do it, consider to get a polisher.
Remove water spots / ion deposits

If you leave your car wet after rain or car wash, the water drop dries up and leave water spots or ion deposit.
They are caused by mineral in water left on the car body.
Once you get them, it’s hard to remove by car wash.
You have to polish with compound or use chemical remover such us ion deposit remover.
Ion deposit remover is easier than polishing so please try it.
I write about exterior detailing this time but of course you should clean inside your car as well.
Floor mats have mite, hair and crumbs more than you think.
Keep a car cleaner and microfiber cloths in your car.
Enjoy clean car life!
Must-read for all beginners! How to wash a car and tricks of it from professionals!
To begin with, why should we wash a car?
Washing car is tiresome, isn’t it?
Especially, many people might fell bothersome for washing with hands.
Then you tend to use a car wash machine when you put some gasoline, don’t you?
“To begin with, why should I wash a car?”
Some of you might think like this.
“Washing a car” is compared to taking a bath for human, but we totally agree with this.
There are two meanings of daily car washing
– the one is “keeping itself beauty and clean”, and another is “prevention against the deterioration”.
If people don’t take a bath for a few days, they are getting unclean.
Cars as well.
If you forget to wash a car, its appearance is getting worse and worse, such as the gloss and the dirt.
Apart from the appearance, sometimes a car might “get sick” like a human.
For example, deterioration and fading the color of the car paint surface, water spots and so on. These things should be ask professionals will happen.
If you wash a car at this time, it is too late.
Therefore daily car washing need to prevent these situations.
“Does a car get dirty just only driving?”
“I don’t drive my car not so much…?”
Some of you might think like these.
However, the dirt is more complicated than we think.
For example, please imagine mud.
– Mud contains chemical constitutes in the air and soil, so it tends to effect on the car paint surface such as fading the color if you leave it.
– It is easy to become the rust due to the water.
– Mud also contains sands and gravel, so dry mud changes to scratches when you wipe with a damp cloth.
Also dust, acid rain and ultraviolet rays are great dangers for the car paint surface, too.
By the way, same thigs will happen even though a car is applied wax, polymer wax and glass coating.
Of course these coating have some merits which it reduce the dirt and damage. Also it can be easy to wash off the dirt.
However, if you leave your car for a long time, many water spots will break out on the glass layer. Moreover, if you drive a car long distance, the dirt will be accumulated.
This cannot be prevented by any coatings.
Yes, you need to care about it even though if you apply glass coating.
(Of course glass coating make the maintenance easier!)
Then, this time, we would like to tell the must-read car how to car wash by professionals specially!!
Please read and refer to this article!
To make the preparation before car washing
・Keep the space for car washing
First, keeping the space for car washing is very important!
If you have your own garden or parking space or the place where you can use the waterworks or the place where nobody finds troublesome, it is okay for washing a car at your home, but we know that it is difficult for some of you who live in an apartment.
Let’s go to the nearby car wash place!
There are many car washing places in the whole of Japan and they have car wash machines and spaces for washing by hands.
Let’s search with “place (where you live), car wash” and the best please to wash a car for you!
・Prepare car washing tools
After you kept the car washing space, let’s prepare washing tools next!
We would like to introduce some useful items below.
Car Shampoo is a must item for car washing!
We recommend the natural one which doesn’t contain with polishing materials for the car body. Moreover, if the car shampoo makes many bubbles, draining should not be well and over flow the bubbles, so we recommend to use rinse aid car shampoo.
(The car shampoo which professionals use are rinse aide and high washing power.)
Microfiber Cloth which is essential for washing the car body.
As we will say below, when you wash a car, washing with soft microfiber cloth is the best, not washing with a sponge!
Microfiber Chamois which is a helpful item for wiping!
It is appropriate for saving time of wiping.
If you have one piece of Pika Pika Rain Microfiber Chamois, you can use it many times, so it is very high cost-performing.
Everyone must have experiences of facing the problem when you wash wheels.
For example, you cannot reach to the inner parts, the brush doesn’t remove the dirt well… and so on.
However, Pika Pika Rain Wheel Brush which is made by wool can absorb the dirt well and that’s why it can wash gaps, too.
【A bucket】
This is an essential item for making bubbles with car shampoo.
There are many kinds of them from usual and cheap one to high-performance folding one, so please choose the appropriate bucket for you!
【A hose】
Please prepare a horse when you wash a car at your home!
If it has a showerhead, you can wash easily due to the high diffusion power.
Microfiber Cloth is the best for car washing!
No matter what, washing by hands is the best for car washing!
Some of you might use a car wash machine because washing by hands is tiresome.
However, a brush or mop of car wash machine tend to wash with pebbles and the dirt and it causes scratches. The friction with a brush as well.
Moreover, washing with a rough sponge is NG even though washing by hands. The reason is same as a car wash machine.
Then please use soft microfiber cloth when you wash a car with hands. It is gentle on the car body and can remove the dirt finely!
Also you should wash your car when it gets dirt immediately, after that you can go to the next step!
Let’s start washing a car
If you’re ready to wash a car, let’s actually start!!
Step1: Washing a whole car with the water
Let’s wash a whole car with the water of a horse (a shower type is better).
Please make note that wash from up to down like a roof, front sides, panels, under sides and tires. If the water pressure is too much high, it might damage the car body and wheels, so please do not try to wash the dirt forcibly, just wash them as possible as you can.
Also please splash the water to the car body not to dry it until you finish car washing.
(Especially, in the summer season, the water dry quickly and it could be water spots. Therefore, don’t forget to get wet the car body moderate.
Step2: Washing wheels which are easy to get dirt
Next, please wash wheels which are the easiest parts to get dirt.
Basically, we said that you should better to wash from up to down above with a single exception.
Regard to wheels, please wash them first not to the dirt fly apart to the car body.
First of all, making bubbles well with car shampoo in a bucket of the water.
Then please soak a wheel brush in the bucket (especially bubbles).
Please do not wash too much strong, just wash wheels with bubbles and the hairs of brush gently.
At this time, if you rinse them while washing could be efficiently.
The microfiber cloth which use for washing wheels do not use it again for washing the car body.
Step3: Washing the car body from up to down
After finished washing wheels, let’s move to the next step- washing the car body!
Please make fresh the water and make bubbles again.
First you splash the water and wash from the roof with bubbled microfiber cloth. The order is the roof, the windshields, the bonnet, the trunk side, the bumper, the headlights and the number plates.
Please wash every parts and rinse them not to remain the car shampoo.
Same as washing wheels, if you rinse them while washing could be efficiently.
Step4: Wiping with Microfiber Chamois
Please check around the car whether you wash it completely when you rinse car shampoo.
If it looks fine, let’s move to the finishing.
Please dry the water on the car body with Microfiber Cloth or Microfiber Chamois.
Microfiber Chamois is better absorption than Microfiber Cloth, that’s why it can dry the water efficiency.
It is easy to use, you open a Microfiber Chamois and you only pull its edges slowly, it can wipe the water in spite second.
At once you wring out it, you can use it again and again.
Just one more thing, the water which in the gaps will drip and it might cause water spots. Therefore, it should be fine if you put out the water from gaps by opening the doors and then dry the water completely.
If you dry the car body completely, car washing is finish.
This is the solution for stubborn dirt which is cannot be removed by car washing.
We always face the problem which we cannot avoid.
It is “the dirt which cannot be removed by car washing”.
In this paragraph, we would like to introduce about solutions by each case!
■Water spots
– What are water spots?
The dirt which is streaked grey or black like, we called it “water spots”.
It is caused by the oil of exhaust gas and the granulous asphalt.
– Solutions
Usually water spots can be removed by washing with car shampoo diligently.
If you avoid daily car washing, it means that you lose chances to remove water spots.
Then if you leave the water spots for long time, finally you cannot remove them by washing with car shampoo anymore!
In this case, you should try to water spots remover on the market.
– What are water droppings?
We will skip this explanation because maybe all of you know this…haha…
Also if you leave these for a long time, these will damage on the glass coating and the car paint surface by droppings with an acid. Therefore, you don’t take your eyes off these.
– Solutions
There is possible to remove droppings by car washing if the time doesn’t pass from these adhered.
If these are stubborn like you cannot remove by car washing, it might cause scratches, so please do not try to remove with all your strength.
Please wipe these off with soaked cloth or tissue with water (hot is better than cold) gently.
■Ion Deposit
– What is Ion Deposit?
We call a white circle mark on the car body as “Ion Deposit”.
The minerals crystalize and they adhere to the car body when the water evaporate.
It is caused by leaving the water after washing a car or raining.
Car washing in the summer is an easy situation to make Ion Deposit because the very hot car body.
– Solutions
Ion Deposit can removed by Pika Pika Rain Ion Deposit Remover.
The application is below;
1- Wash a car to remove the remarkable dirt and dry the water.
2- A soaked cotton with Pika Pika Rain Ion Deposit Remover put on the Ion Deposit from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
3- Wash a car again not to remain Pika Pika Rain Ion Deposit Remover.
Pika Pika Rain Ion Deposit Remover is very strong.
If you wrong to apply it, it will decompose the glass coating, so lease be careful when you apply it.
An extra article – polishing with compound
“There are many water spots which I cannot remove with a small cotton…”
For you like above, we recommend to polish by Pika Pika Rain Liquid Compound.
From now, we would like to introduce how to apply it briefly.
1- Wash a car to remove the remarkable dirt and dry the first.
2- Put proper amount of Pika Pika Rain Liquid Compound which you shake it well on a sponge.
3- Move a polishing machine horizontally and buff the area that needs attention.
4- Please move to a next small area and repeat step No.2 and No.3 to finish.
5- Wash a car completely after polishing and wipe off with a clean microfiber cloth.
Please make note that the glass layer of glass coating is removed by applying compound.
Also Pika Pika Rain Liquid Compound is very useful for removing stubborn water spots and scratches, too. Please have a look our blog about this!
【Get the ultimate gloss! Tips for making a car glossy!】
【What is the best for removing scratches? Car Wax or Car Glass Coating?】
How should we do about car-caring after washing car?
Do you do car-caring after you make the car body beautiful by washing?
If you finish with only car washing, the dirt and water spots theses should not be removed easily with time.
However, it is tiresome and time-consuming if you have to do the preparation as we said above ever time you wash a car washing, isn’t it?
To begin with, car washing is a necessary work as long as you have your own car.
You want to keep your car beautiful possibly, don’t you?
Moreover, if you can remove the dirt easily, it car washing should be much easier , can’t you?
Then, how kind of car-caring we need?
The answer is … applying coating.
Applying glass coating after car washing make your car beautiful and become easier to remove the dirt due to the protection glass layer than you don’t apply it.
However, there are many types of coating and of course they have each features, merits and demerits.
We would like to introduce about types of glass coating below.
Types of coating
■Glass coating
It is 100% cured glass coating.
It makes the glass layer by a chemical reaction and the glass layer can protect a car.
It also makes easy to remove the dirt when you wash a car.
– Good durability
– Easy application even though genuine specifications which used by professionals.
– Makes the gloss and shine
– Easy to remove the dirt
– More expensive than other DIY coating products
[View details about Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM]
■Car detailing spray
It doesn’t cure such as glass coating, but you can apply it easier than glass coating.
If you apply Nano Pika Pika Rain (our detailing spray), the gloss, shine, anti-dirt power will improve.
– Easier application than coating
– Cheaper than coating
-You need to apply this regularly because it doesn’t have durability.
[View details about Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K]
■Car wax
Many people have images which a beautiful car is waxed one a little while ago.
Car wax makes your car beautiful.
However, surprisingly it is difficult to keep your car beautiful and worse durability than other coating and detailing products. Moreover, it is time-consuming a little bit.
– Beautiful glare shine
-Harder to apply than other coating products
-You might damage the car paint surface if you make an error in preservation.
■Polymer coating
Polymer coating is a product which are combined with merits of car wax and the workability of glass coating.
Pika Pika Rain 2 comes under Polymer coating in our products.
– Easy to apply
– Glare gloss like car wax
– Worse durability than glass coating
– Need to car caring regularly
It might be difficult to choose from such a many types, but let’s find your best coating for your style and do car-caring after washing, too.
Then lets’ keep your precious car beautiful as long as possible.
We wrote about car washing for a long time, but car washing is good for not only we said above but also checking your car’s condition.
If you wash a car diligently, you can find something happens like scratches, lack of parts… and so on.
Therefore, please get into a habit of washing a car regularly without being bother.
What is the best for removing scratches? Car Wax or Car Glass Coating?
Want to remove scratches on the car body! What should we use?
How do you do the maintenance for your precious car?
There are quite a few people who are obsessed with washing a car regularly and detailing car wax or car coating. Your precious car which you have in your daily life. Not only when you crash and scraped your car but also there are many chances to damage surprisingly. “It is not so serious to ask a professional detailer, however, I want to deal with scratches…” Some of you might think like this. There are many types of scratch-off car wax. We will explain about the difference roughly. -Solid type
Basically it does not contain any polishing agent like compound. -Paste type
Basically it contains polishing agents. -Liquid type
Many products are based on polymer. -Seat type
The cloth has already contained wax. Car liquid compound makes scratches on the car body less noticeable by polishing to make the car body around the scratches gently. We introduced about car wax and car liquid compound mainly, but especially car wax might be difficult to choose the best one because there are beyond the number of products on the market. From now, we would like to explain about more detail. Is it true that car wax cannot effect depends on its ingredients? ■Car wax with an abrasive
It can polish the car body and remove scratches, but not for deep scratches. Scratches are removed by polishing, so these become less noticeable even though the car wax is off. This type of compound is silicon fills in scratches and it make them less noticeable. However, it just makes scratches less noticeable, doesn’t remove. So after car wax comes off, scratches become noticeable again. Car wax is not durable such as glass coating. If you leave your car long time without car washing after you apply car wax or apply it too much, these cause oxidation of car wax and it sticks to the car body. Then it is very difficult to remove it, sometimes your car might be damaged. In our conclusion, we don’t recommend to use it for removing scratches… We understand that “removing scratches = making scratches less noticeable”. “Is there any ways to remove them completely?”
You might think like this. To tell the truth, for removing scratches, polishing with compound is the most excellent. If scratches are not so deep, they can be removed because polishing tears off scratches with the car paint surface together thinly. Also compound can remove stubborn dirt which cannot be removed with normal car shampoo, such as water spots, the pitch, droppings and so on. However, please make note that polishing with compound has demerits. On the other hand, polish the same part with a sponge, Moreover, using a polisher has some problems which that a polisher is expensive and it needs a source of electrical power to use. This is just an addition, after you polished the car body with compound, it is the perfect time to apply glass coating!! By the way, glass coating is able to make superficial scratches less noticeable. From this paragraph, we described about how to remove scratches which has already been on the car body. However, there is one thing which we cannot forget… As we said above, we polish the clear coat and the paint surface. If you prevent against scratches in advance, you are caring and keeping your car beautiful, don’t you? [View details about 100% genuine-glass coating Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM] If we apply it to a car, the glass coating doesn’t form the thick glass layer with naked eyes, However, it is different from before applying glass coating, in this case, In Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM’s case, reapplying glass coating is possible to fill scratches with glass Additionally, the water repellency (the water-sliding effect) is very well, By the way, this strayed from the topic of removing scratches… From now, we would like to explain how to prepare and apply Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM step by step. First, remove the dirt which is adhered on the car body with plenty of water. (You can skip this step if you don’t care about scratches, water spots not so much.) It can solve almost all of problems like scratches, water spots and so on. First, put proper amount of compound which you shake it well on a sponge. First, put proper amount of compound which you shake it well on a sponge.
Please be careful not to polish too much for both cases. Remove the oil with Pika Pika Rain Oil Remover. [View details about Pika Pika Rain Oil Remover] Finally, after the preparation, let’s move to the application of glass coating! This is how to do the preparation and apply Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM. However, Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM can last three years at once you apply it!! [View details about 100% genuine-glass coating Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM] How was this article?
We introduced about many merits and demerits about glass coating, but if we’re going to do the application, it is important to think about its caring for the future. Of course it is not bad to make a car beautiful with the paste wax. We cannot help avoiding scratches on the car body in a daily life. However, if apply the glass coating after polishing with the compound, Car wax is cheaper than glass coating, but we have to apply car wax many times. You might think that paste car wax with polishing materials and gloss, but the after caring is hard and you glass coating is better. Both of them have their own good sides, it is the best you can care about your car by your own way which adjusts your preference and your life style.
The reasons are various.
For example, stepping-stones, sands, using a washing machine and so on.
Whatever any situations it is not good your precious car is caught a damages, isn’t it?
Then, we’re going to introduce which items are effective for removing scratches.●Scratch-off Car wax
It makes a car shiny by filling in the scratches.
The ingredient of polish in the wax makes scratches less noticeable.
Also the ingredient of wax makes a car shiny.
It depends on products polishing materials have or have not.
This is easier to apply than any other types which is good point.
It can wax a car with just wiping.
This is very workability, but its durability is so-so.●Car liquid compound
Please use the appropriate type of compound which depends on the depth of scratches.
If you want to remove a deep scratch, you should polish with rough compound, and then, you should polish with fine one and finish it.
Truly, there are many types of car waxes.
Moreover, if you have a mistake to choose it, the car body might be caught damage by its ingredients or might get the less effect.
Therefore, you should understand about types of car waxes and let’ choose the appropriate one!Types of scratch-off car wax
Some water spots and dirt are removed as well.
If you polish it strongly, there is possibility to make small scratches on the car body.
Therefore please do not polish with too much.
The work is not so hard because you can do polishing and waxing together,
however, it also polish not only scratches but also the car body little by little at every applications.
Please be careful when you apply it for plastic parts.
They are almost paste type and liquid type.■Car wax without with polishing materials
Usually this type is stronger hydrophobic than paste and liquid car wax with polishing materials/
We don’t recommend this if you are reluctant to polish the car body.
Also this is almost type of solid type.The durability of scratch-off car wax
Solid car wax, paste car wax and liquid car wax can long last in this order,
but we recommend to apply car wax once a month even though solid type which is the longest durability in these.Bad points of scratch-off car wax
Moreover, it looks not so good due to black and yellow stains. Especially, please be careful about gaps in a hood, this part is easy to oxidize.In the long run, how about scratch-off car wax?
It cannot remove them completely and the car body is damaged by using the car wax again and again. However, the type of fill-scratch cannot remove scratches themselves.
Therefore we think that polishing with compound is the best way for removing scratches.
We would like to describe how to polish with compound below.This is the best! How to remove scratches and make a car glossy!
Compound is a fine-grain and there are a several types such as coarse and fine.
It sounds difficult, but saying in an easier way, it is a liquid version of fine for a wood.
The work is by using a sponge or an electric machine.
(※ If scratches are deep such they reach under the car paint surface, it impossible to remove by polishing, so let’s ask professional’s work!)
For this reason, it is not too much say that the car body rest by polishing at once.
It polishes the car paint surface and the clear layer even though the compound is how fine.
This work is needed a certain level of technic, for example if we polish the same part,
you might need more repairing because the car paint surface is polished, too.
This is the one of troubles which can be happened when we use the polisher.
rarely the car paint surface becomes whitish like a thin haze due to the heat.
(It is very time-consuming if you need to polish not only partial or but also whole of a car.)
Special paintings, for example a scratch sealed and self-restoring coat, should be better to avoid unless we find the influence by polishing as much as possible.
The car paint surface cannot be undone at once you polish, if you feel fear of these demerits, asking professional car detailers can be the one way even though it is expensive.After polished the car body with compound…
Because the car body is clean – there is no scratches, the dirt and the oil – the preparation for glass coating finished already.
You can apply glass coating immediately after you wash the car with car shampoo carefully and drying the water.
Surely it can keep a car beautiful and glossy.
We recommend it highly even though it is a little bit time-consuming.
(Please don’t forget that glass coating CANNOT remove scratches completely.)Prevent against daily scratches by glass coating!
Nevertheless, if we’re going to do it, it is much better than it we can prevent against scratches, isn’t it?
Of course, if your car gets scratches, you can deal with them by filling or polishing unless the scratches are very deep.
If we polish a car every time when the car gets scratches, its car paint surface will run out.
If the car paint surface runs out, you need the expensive and time-consuming repair,
in the worst case, there is possibility to say good-bye to your precious car…
Then, for the prevention of scratches, glass coating is highly recommended.
Please consider about “100% genuine-glass coating”, not “glass-like coating”.
100% genuine-glass coating forms the glass layer on the car body.
▼Our Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM is like this.
but the car body is protected by the glass layer indeed. The glass coated car body is harder to scratch than the naked one.
Sadly, a car will be got some scratches by all means, such as driving, parking, daily washing and using a car wash machine.
the area where gets scratches is the glass layer on the car paint surface.
It means that when we polish with compound to remove scratches, first the glass layer is polished at first,
so the damage will be reduced quite a lot.
and then the scratches is made less noticeable due to the reflection of the light.
The reapplied parts the strength of glass layer become stronger, so that is killing two birds with one stone!
so we recommend it strongly because dust and droppings are removed easily and then you can cut the time for daily car washing.
Therefore, we recommend Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM for not only the prevention of scratches but also the maintenance!
The faded black plastic parts by the long-term deterioration can take back its original color by applying Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM, too.
Please don’t forget to apply this part!Perfect application with Pika Pika Rain after removing scratches!!
STEP1: Washing a car with your hands
After this, make bubbles with car shampoo and wash a car with microfiber like you stroke it softly.
Finally, please wipe off with another dry microfiber cloth or microfiber chamois completely.STEP2: Polishing with compound
Compound is also useful for removing old car wax or car coating.
Pika Pika Rain Liquid Compound has two types, Fine and Ultra-Fine. Please apply Compound Fine for scratches or swirl marks removing.
On the other hand, Compound Ultra-Fine for final mirror finish.
(Application order is Fine and Ultra-Fine.)[How to apply with a sponge]
Next, apply compound straight forward.
Please move to a next small area and repeat these steps to finish. [How to apply with a polishing machine]
Next, move a polishing machine horizontally and buff the area that needs attention.
Please move to a next small area and repeat these steps to finish.
Moreover, after polishing, please don’t forget to wash a car well and wipe off the water with Pika Pika Rain Microfiber cloth.
[View details about Pika Pika Rain Liquid Compound]STEP3: Removing the oil
This is not necessary,
but it makes car glass coating is better, so we would like you to do it even tough your car is brand new.STEP4: Applying the glass coating
At first put proper amount of Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM on a sponge (The first time is 5 or 6 drops, after that please add 2 or 3 drops) and apply to the car body with the sponge thinly.
Then immediately please wipe the area where you applied in with Microfiber Cloth.
We recommend to repeat applying the car body into small areas.
If you apply it for a spread area at one time, the liquid get dry and you cannot apply it evenly.
Some of you might feel troublesome about STEP2 and STEP3, but the durability of glass coating will be quite different from you do it or do not it!!
Car wax can last from one month to three months.
(Of course, it depends on the situation of keeping and the frequency of driving…)
Please consider about it if you think that “It is troublesome the application again and again…”Cost-effective Glass Coating!!
However, when we think about the durability of gloss, we can recommend glass coating because it forms the glass layer and it can last three years.
If we apply the car wax to them less noticeable, but after the car wax removed, scratches are remarkable, again.
you don’t have to be worried about scratches not to damage on the car paint surface directly, because they are on the glass layer of glass coating.
Therefore, the application of glass coating which is only one time should be very easy.
Get the ultimate gloss! Tips for making a car glossy.

A glossy car is so cool!!
Have you ever been surprised when you had seen car bodies at exhibitions?
Everyone who loves cars ought to think like this.
“Wow, that car is shiny and so cool!!”
A beautiful car catches everyone’s attention, doesn’t’ it? Because we can find the owner cares about it well and before everything that the car is very attractive.
The car which we said above is applied some coating to the car body.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to get an attractive gloss by only washing a car.
(Of course washing a car is the most important in car caring!)
Many people who can keep their cars beautiful might spend a lot of money for polishing and applying glass coating by professional detailers to make their cars glossy.
We cannot do full-scale polishing and coating by ourselves, it is too hard to apply by ourselves, so there is the only one choice which is asking professional. However, it is too costly and time consuming you ask professional detailing every time your car is caught scratches or glass coating starts to come out.
“Nevertheless, I want to ride an extremely glossy car!!”
“I want to make my car catch the eyes of everyone its beauty!!”
For you who think above, we would like to introduce the low-cost way and tips of making your car glossy like an exhibited car on your free time.
First is the explanation about three necessary things to make a car glossy – “car wax”, “car polymer coating” and “car glass coating”.
Maybe many people have already known them, but we summarize each (gloss, features and durability), so let’s make your car glossy by the best matched way for you!
Also tips how to make a car glossy are mentioned below, so we very much hope you will read it until the end.
You can do it by yourself! How to make a car glossy
Mainly there are three kinds which can give a car gloss – Wax coating, polymer coating and glass coating.
Before solid wax was main as making gloss, however, in these days, the number of DIY glass coating and people who apply them are increasing.
Which one is the best?
To be honest, it is very difficult to say the answer because each features are so much different. Then, what is the difference between wax and glass coating?
We summarize as below.
[ About Car Wax ]
Glare insists itself strongly.
You need to wipe it off after applying due to carnauba which is the main ingredient.
Please make note not to apply it too much even though you want to make a car glossy. Because there is possibility that you cannot apply evenly now wipe it off completely. Its gloss and shine are strong due to the main ingredient.
About from 1 month to 3 months.
It depends on circumstances how to drive and keep a car. If the rainy weather continues, car wax is taken out easily. Moreover, because the oil is contained, so if you leave a car without any maintenance, it might change to stubborn dirt. Therefore you need daily washing and waxing a car.
[About Polymer Coating]
Between car wax and glass coating. It has both shine and translucent gloss.
It is a simple type of coating which is contained a mixture of a lot of silicon, resin and sometimes glass component, too. Almost of them can apply easily, it is finished only by spraying/applying and wiping off. It doesn’t have gloss like car wax, however, it can get strong and translucent gloss like glass coating.
From 1 month to a half year.
It depends on the ingredients, however it is no longer than glass coating same as car wax. If you want to keep its gloss, you need to apply it regularly.
[About Glass Coating]
Elegant. It is moist like it gets wet. It also makes your car deep color.
It doesn’t have the glare gloss like car wax because it doesn’t include fats and oils, but, the car body is coated by glass and it makes the elegant and translucent like an earthenware.
When you apply car wax, you apply it whole of the car body and wipe them after a while.
On the other hand, when you apply glass coating, the work is a repeat which applying the surface of the car body into small areas and immediately wipe there.
It is recommended if you need beautiful and natural gloss which doesn’t insist too much.
In the case of Pika Pika Rain PREIMIUM, it is crystalized by moisture in the air, so you have to wipe off water and dry the car body before you apply.
Around 3 years.
It isn’t removed easily because it forms the glass layer on the car body. The gloss will be lost by getting dirt under circumstances of driving and rainy weather, however usually it will get brilliance by careful washing with car shampoo and applying car detailing agent. In addition, the glass layer doesn’t drop off unless you polish it with a polish machine.
Can you imagine the product which may get your favorite gloss?
Also it might be good that choosing whether it is possible to take care of glass coating easily in your daily life.
Please make note that we talked above only for a new car which doesn’t have scratches and dirt much.
For a second hands car or a car which is covered with scratches and dirt, you need the preparation before application to make glass coating more beautiful.
Nowadays many tools and applicators are sold. From the next category, we would like to explain about the way of cleaning up a dirty car as the preparation for glass coating in great detail.
What should we do if a car has already been dirty by scratches and water spots?
Although you are eager to get the ultimate gloss, some of you might be anxious it is too late due to many scratches and water spots on your car. However, it is fast to give up!
We would like to introduce about how to deal with them carefully!!
How to deal with scratches
Scratches which are got during washing and driving a car can be removed by polishing with compound. If scratches cover with a wide area, handwork is getting tough and polishing evenly get hard as well.
Therefore, we recommend polishing with a machine on the market.
The applications with compound change a little by tools, so we would like to introduce both of them.
[Hand application]
(1) Wash a car to remove any dust and dirt and dry the car completely.
(2) Put proper amount of compound on a sponge.
(3) Apply compound straight forward.
(4) Move to a next small area and apply using steps #2 and #3 to finish.
(5) Wash a car completely after polishing and wipe off with a clean microfiber cloth.
[Microfiber Cloth application]
(1) Wash a car to remove any dust and dirt and dry the car completely.
(2) Put proper amount of compound on a microfiber cloth.
(3) Apply compound straight forward.
(4) Move to next a small area and apply using steps #2 and #3 to finish.
(5) Wash a car completely after polishing and wipe off with a clean microfiber cloth.
[Machine application]
(1) Wash a car to remove any dust and dirt and dry the car completely.
(2) Put proper amount of compound on a buffing pad.
(3) Move a polishing machine horizontally and buff the area that needs attention.
(4) Move to next a small area and apply using steps #2 and #3 to finish.
(5) Wash a car completely after polishing and wipe off with a clean microfiber cloth.
When you apply compound by any ways, please be careful not to polish too much. Moreover, please also make note that the glass layer of glass coating is removed by applying compound.
Pika Pika Rain Liquid Compound has two types, Fine and Ultra-Fine. Please apply Compound Fine for scratches or swirl marks removing. On the other hand, Compound Ultra-Fine for final mirror finish. (Application order is Fine and Ultra-Fine.)
How to deal with water spots
If water spots are not so stubborn, they can be removed by daily car washing. However, if you leave water spots on car body for a long time after raining, they will change to white spots due to crystalize minerals such as calcium when the water evaporate. We call this “Ion Deposit”. It is very strong and stubborn, so it cannot be removed by daily car washing, water spots which we said above can be removed by Pika Pika Rain Water Spot Remover literally.
Here is the way of application.
(1)Wash a car in advance and remove extra dirt.
(2)Put a few drops of Pika Pika Rain Water Spot Remover on cotton, then place the cotton on strong water spots.
(3)Put off the cotton in 30 seconds (if water spots are strong, in 1 minute).
(4)Wash the car again not to remain Pika Pika Rain Water Spot Remover and wipe off with a clean microfiber cloth.
Pika Pika Rain Water Spot Remover is very strong, so if you apply in a wrong way, the glass coating is decomposed itself. Therefore, please make sure three things, “apply in a small area”, “do not leave for a long time” and “wash it off in the end”.
“There are many water spots which we cannot be covered with cotton…!”
We recommend to the machine application of compound. We want to care your car without missing before we must do a hard work, don’t we?
[Tips for making a car glossy vol.1] Re-applying of glass coating
Say frankly, one of tips to make a car glossy is double coating.
However, the amount of Pika Pika Rain Glass Coating is only 25 ml and it is same size as Zippo lighter.
“Can it apply twice with such as little amount?”
“I feel anxious using one bottle in a one time.”
There are quite a few people think like these, but don’t worry about it!
Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM spreads very well, so usually only half a bottle (12 ? 13 ml) for applying an ordinary sedan. (Of course, it depends on size of a car.)
Though it is much cheaper than applying by car detailers, we don’t want to throw away the leftover of Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM, do you?
Then we would like to introduce double glass coating in this time. It can get more gloss, deeper color and more effective water repellency, too.
However, it is suitable for advanced people because you should set a schedule and judge if the letover liquid is able to use to apply coating. Just one more thing, please make note if you fail to apply, it is your responsible.
Then in this paragraph, we would like to explain how to apply double coating in detail to reduce mistakes as much as you can.
[STEP1] The first application of Pika Pila Rain PREMIUM
Just read an instruction and apply it normally.
[STEP2] Storing the bottle appropriately
After the first applying, please close a cup tightly on the bottle and store it in a cool, dark place such as a refrigerator. The air makes crystalizing fast, so don’t forget to close a cup tightly.
[Step3] Wait the first layer to be completed
Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM needs two weeks to be completed, so please apply after 2 weeks when you applied it first time.
If you apply again before completed, there are possibility that wiping and using sponge hurt the first layer. Accordingly please set a suitable schedule.
[STEP4] Check the leftover liquid in the bottle
Check the condition of leftover liquid. Here are the check points.
・Whether something powdery white(it is crystal) on the top of the bottle when you open the cap
・Whether liquid in the bottle becomes cloudy
Above are signs which has already started to crystalize, so please hold back applying in these situation.
Rarely, the liquid is usable but some crystals are on neck of the bottle.
In this case, please wipe off the crystals on the bottle with microfiber cloth before you use.
[STEP5] The second application
After checking the liquid and if it is possible to apply, let’s apply it immediately. Because the hardening is still keep going. Moreover, your car might get dirty during this period, so please wash your car with soft cloth like microfiber cloth, same as the first application.
There is possibility to damage the applied glass layer if you wash a car with sponge. Please be careful not to damage a car as much as you can. After washing a car, please apply the second coating on a car which is dried completely.
Please apply by following in the instruction again. However, please apply it thoroughly without any carelessness. Also please don’t forget to check whether you apply evenly. Also please DO NOT allow your car get wet for 12 hours after application and approx. 2 weeks to cure completely.
[STEP6] Finish re-applying of glass coating!
After 2 weeks to cure completely, finally double coating is done!!
Enjoy the ultimate gloss!!
How was it?
You need a lot of time from the preparation to the first application finished.
Additionally, you need to set the schedule with consideration of the weather, too. So we think that it might be hard a little if you do the second application.
By the way, the storage period is around 1 month after you opened the bottle. Though you close the cap tightly, the crystallization goes on little by little. That’s why applying quickly is important.
You must pay attention about other cases such as when you leave the cap of the bottle opened a long time and some water and liquid in the bottle are mixed together during the application for some reasons. Because the glass coating liquid crystalize faster than as usual in these cases.
It seems like that it will take a long time to do the second application when you read how to apply. However, understanding only a few points and you can get the ultimate gloss with the leftover liquid.
This article should be helpful for you who think that you don’t waste the glass coating liquid of it and you’re thinking about the double coating.
[Tips for making a car glossy vol.2] Combination with Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM & Pika Pika Rain 2
We’ve introduced the tips above, however, there is more other tips for experts!
This is a secret information which is known by only few people in our customers and our staffs. Some of you who have been reading our blog for a long time might understand it.
The answer is… applying Pika Pika Rain 2 on Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM!!
To be honest, this is not so cost-effective.
The total cost goes up to JPY 178,300 (Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM JPY 9,850 + Pika Pika Rain 2 JPY 7,980) and it is very gorgeous in DIY glass coating. (Of course it is much cheaper than detailers…)
However, its finishing become the very “ultimate gloss”!!
Now, we would like to introduce about required information and the way of applying.
[Preparation for glass coating products and each instructions]
(1)Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM – Glass coating with the deep and luxurious gloss
Making the glass layer by original method (STG method) which is the highest level percentage of glass and it forms the translucent glass layer.
It produces luxuriousness with the attractive deep gloss which people cannot help touching.
(2)Pika Pika Rain 2 – Long-seller polymer coating in the radio shopping with the glare gloss
It refreshes the car gloss quickly like a mirror.
The glare gloss is its distinctive quality and it is also different from glass coating’s solid gloss.
[How to apply]
(1)Applying Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM
Please have a look about the preparation and washing a car from our blog below;
[Perfect preparation]
[Perfect application for Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM]
(2)Wait 2 weeks after applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIU
(3)2 weeks later, applying Pika Pika Rain 2
Please make note that Pika Pika Rain 2 needs to re-apply once a half year to keep its gloss for 3 years. It means that the bottle is usable five times, so please don’t use all at once!
[How to apply Pika Pika Rain2]
(4)Wait 2 hours until Pika Pika Rain2 is hardened
When you finish all of the works, there is your precious car with the ultimate gloss in front of you!! Moreover, the durability of protection layer is very nice due to applying glass coating, Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM as the base coat.
It is succeeded if the touch changes from squeak like touching a mirror to smooth touch!
Enjoy your ultimate gloss-life!!
[What should we do when the gloss gets unclear?]
You need to apply Pika Pika Rain2 once a half year to keep its gloss.
When its gloss gets unclear, please apply the leftover again on Pika Pika Rain 2 which has already you applied.
[How about the demerits?]
・It is unsuitable for people who need the solid gloss because this method is applied Pika Pika Rain2 on Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM.
・As above, you need to apply Pika Pika Rain 2 many times.
On the other hand, glass coating is just once application, so some of you might feel tired of it.
・The water repellency is overwrote with “Hydrophilic effect”. It means that “Water-sliding effect” – the one of the biggest features of Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM cannot be effected fully.
【Application example】
This picture is an example of combination with Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM and Pika Pika Rain 2 by our staffs.
“I cannot be satisfied with usual gloss anymore!”
“I want both of the durability like glass coating and the gloss like car wax!”
“I want make my car prominent for the exhibition!!”
Please try it if you think like these!!
[Extra article: Combination with Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM and Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K]
We haven’t said it yet, but Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K which is recommended officially is excellent with Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM of course!
Please use it after 2 weeks when you applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM.
Then the fresh texture of Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K is added to the moisture gloss of the glass layer.
If you apply only Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K every time you wash your car, it can keep the gloss and texture continuously.
From thinking about the durability and gloss, glass coating is the best.
Honestly, everyone has own preference of gloss. Some people like the glare gloss, but others like the moisture gloss. Therefore, in our opinion the “ultimate gloss” can be produced by sets of glass coating and glossy coating products.
If you can wash and wax a car frequently there is no problem with applying only car wax, but we recommend to apply glass coating for the protection of a car if you’re too busy to wash a car. Applying glass coating can make the gloss refresh with only washing a car when you’re busy in the worst case. (Of course, the gloss is lost by scratches and water spots on glass coating.)
Future more, you don’t have to worry about the bad effect on the car body by the glass layer because it becomes inorganic after crystalized. In car wax and polymer coating which is short duality, the deterioration and oxidation can be caused if you forget to care about a car. Then there is no more talk about making a car glossy anymore.
Protecting your precious car should be connected with getting the ultimate gloss.
Let’ aim at the ultimate gloss with DIY products!!
What is the most cost-effective way of glass coating application? How about the market price for glass coating?

Where should we apply glass coating?
What aspects do you value when you choose and buy a new car?
Many people tend to choose as a whole, from its function, price, appearance and so on.
A new car when you had loved at first site in the catalog or at the exhibition.
It would be great if we could keep the car brand new for long time, wouldn’t it?
Applying glass coating to a new car makes it beautiful for long time. Also home car wash and daily maintenance get so easy.
Usually car dealers ask “How about glass coating as an option?” when you decide to buy a new car.
However, are we only able to apply glass coating in this way?
The answer is NO.
We have three choices to apply glass coating below;
– To ask car dealers
– To ask professional car detailers
– To apply by oneself (DIY glass coating products)
In this article, we would like to introduce about each advantages, disadvantages and market prices in detail. (Sorry, we show the price in Japanese currency… please check in your country’s currency.)
Part 1. Quick and easy car dealers
You can ask dealers to apply glass coating as an option.
Some of you might think that you’re going to ask them because you already have relationship of trust with them.
From now, we would like to tell its advantage and disadvantage.
【Advantage】A car is delivered with glass coating.
This is the biggest advantage of applying glass coating by car dealers.
You can ask them to buy and apply glass coating at the same time, so your new car is delivered with glass coating completely when you get it.
You don’t need to bring your new car to the car detailers again and wait a few days until the car detailing finished.
It means that you can drive your new car right away!
“I need to save any time and effort to find car detailers and bring my car to them!”
“No matter what I want to drive my new car as soon as possible!!”
We recommend this way to you emphasize the speed.
【Disadvantage】The optional price is comparatively expensive.
On the other hand, the high-cost is the disadvantage.
If a car is large, the price for glass coating will rise to around 100,000 JPY. It cannot be helped because it saves a lot of time and effort as we said above, but it is a very serious problem if you want to save costs.
Anyway, the price depends on dealers of course. Also it varies depending on the manufacture, type, class, size, model year, color, and painting (such as pearl, metallic…etc.) of the car.
Therefore, you should better to check the price before you ask them certainly. Moreover, please be careful the person who applies is like. A dealer is not professional of car detailing, such as a car detailer. Therefore, sometimes the person who applies glass coating doesn’t have enough knowledge of glass coating. Otherwise it is worse, he is an absolute armature.
Accordingly, we recommend to check who and where applies just in case.
[The average price for glass coating by dealers]
Light automobile (Hustler, Lapin…etc.)
From 50,000 JPY
SS size (Aqua, Vitz, Roadster…etc.)
From 55,000 JPY
S size (Insight, Axela…etc.)
From 60,000 JPY
M size (Prius, Levorg, Skyline…etc.)
From 65,500 JPY
L size (Crown, CX-5, Cercior…etc.)
From 70,000 JPY
LL size (Priusα, Harrier, X-TRAIL…etc.)
From 75,000 JPY
3L size (Voxy, Serena, Odyssey…etc.)
From 80,000 JPY
4L size (Alphard, Vellfire, Hiace…etc.)
From 85,000 JPY
Part 2. Skillful and plentiful after-service car detailers
Most of you want your car keep beautiful by apart from DIY glass coating, maybe you ask to car dealers as we said in Part1. However, we think that looking for an ideal car detailer can be one of your choices if the price is too high at the dealer or if you want to apply glass coating to a used car.
Now, we would like to introduce about its advantages and disadvantages.
【Advantages】They have skillful staffs and plentiful after service.
1)Your car gets high-quality finish with their solid skill from preparation to glass coating.
-However, you need to research reviews and ask detailers directly and it is very difficult to find out the reliable car detailer.
2)Most of them have sincere guarantees such as a regular inspection.
-This point is recommended to you who hesitate to control your car condition. Some of them inform a regular inspection diligently. Moreover, their inspection is covered with not only outside but also inside and if you have one of them close to you, car maintenance will get easy.
3)3- They solve troubles which you cannot deal with them by yourself.
-They are very reliable when you are in trouble with recovering your failure of DIY glass coating, removing terrible scratch or strong water spots and using a professional machine.
【Disadvantages】It is very costly and there is possibility that they tell a lie.
1)If you ask them to apply glass coating, not easy polymer wax is so expensive.
-Of course, car detailers are cheaper than car dealers, but you feel that it is more expensive than DIY because it needs labor costs and technical fee.
2)You cannot drive your car while applying at the car detailer. Car dealers apply glass
-coating before delivery of your car, but, on the other hand, you need to leave your car even though you have been using, so, it is inconvenient. Some car detailers provide an alternative car, so you would be better to ask.
3)Most of their regular inspection is essential.
-This point might be the advantage as we said above…
Please check applying fee includes regular inspection. However, some of them ask us to pay the regular inspection fee every time. In spite of long durability of glass coating, total cost effect could be bad in the end if we have to pay every inspection.
4)They only apply polymer coating or wax as if it was glass coating.
-Most of car detailer’s original glass coating meet this case.
Especially, the easy car detailer with gas station tend to call all similar products as “glass coating”, but they are actually “glass-like-coating”. We understand it is difficult to find out real glass coating, but let’s compare and examine from gathering information as much as you can.
To be honest, there is not a big difference between professional and amateur in glass coating finish. However, preparing the surface such as polishing and buffing requires technique and makes the difference. If you are not satisfied with DIY results and seek the perfect ones, please consider about asking car detailers once.
[The average price for glass coating by detailers]
Light automobile (Hustler, Lapin…etc.)
From 50,000 JPY
SS size (Aqua, Vitz, Roadster…etc.)
From 55,000 JPY
S size (Insight, Axela…etc.)
From 60,000 JPY
M size (Prius, Levorg, Skyline…etc.)
From 65,500 JPY
L size (Crown, CX-5, Cercior…etc.)
From 70,000 JPY
LL size (Priusα, Harrier, X-TRAIL…etc.)
From 75,000 JPY
3L size (Voxy, Serena, Odyssey…etc.)
From 80,000 JPY
4L size (Alphard, Vellfire, Hiace…etc.)
From 85,000 JPY
Part 3. Overwhelming cost-effectiveness and a feeling of satisfaction after finished DIY
If you want to save costs, applying by yourself is the best! These days, quality of glass coating products on the market is getting better and better, so you can get same durability and gloss as applying by car detailers unless you don’t choose a bad product.
Then we would like to introduce about its advantage and disadvantage below.
【Advantage】Drastic cost cutting in car detailing
We might think that this is the most important point. If you ask to car dealers or car detailers, they need several ten thousands Yen at least. However, if you do it by yourself, applying fee is FREE!! Furthermore, DIY glass coating products can be applied easily and the results look like professional. There are many products which can be applied in 3 hours (or less than it).
One point advice! How to distinguish glass coating
You must have good eyes to tell the difference between a real glass coating and a glass-like-coating.
“Anyway, what is the REAL glass coating?”
Some of you might have a question like this. For us, Pika Pika Rain defines real glass coaling as liquid change to real glass after crystallized and it protects a car.
Two of examples below are not called as crystallized glass coating;
.1) You need to apply the product once or twice a year.
.2) Liquid doesn’t harden and changes to soft silicon, not glass.
Please be careful these products before you buy because they don’t last long like real glass coating.
Pika Pika Rain Glass Coating change to glass layer after crystallized and a car is protected by it, so you can use it without any worries!
【Disadvantage】You should do everything on your responsibility.
For example, if there are many scratches on the car body, you have to polish the car. Also if oily dirt still on the car body, you have to remove it, too.
If you fail to apply and glass coating is not applied unevenly, it’s just your fault. Unfortunately, you must deal with it on your responsibility.
You need be careful not to get the car wet for certain period. The method of preservation and the weather as well.
Glass coating is difficult to be removed once it’s happened, so that’s the very reason for ensuring that preparation should be perfect with reading the instruction.
You should be better to ask to the manufacture by phone or email if you have any questions. About Pika Pika Rain, please contact us below any time!!
TEL: +81-6-6245-4500 MAIL:
[The average price for DIY glass coating products]
From a mini car to a large-size car
Under 10,000 JPY
(One bottle of Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM can apply two mini cars if you do very well.)
Perfect preparation makes glass coating professional quality finishing!!
The preparation is the most important work before applying glass coating.
Why is this so important?
The answer is that glass coating cover car paint surface with glass layer as it is. It means that glass coating finishing is reflected by the condition of car paint surface directly.
Of course things to do will change by car’s condition. Then we would like to introduce about varieties of preparation as an extra article.
When you check your car carefully, there are many scratches and water spots which is adhered to the car body even though you care about it passionately. Unfortunately, you cannot help it.
However, Pika Pika Rain Liquid Compound can remove scratches and water spots (Ion deposit) by polishing the surface thinly and make it fine.
Oil Remover
Always the oily dirt is on car paint surface. It is not only daily dirt but also remaining car wax and coating which you applied before. Oil remover can deal with them.
Removing oily dirt makes glass coating easy to adhere to the car body. Gloss and durability of glass coating is changed by how close it bonds to painted surface, so we recommend to adopt this work as possible.
Please make note that there are two types of oil remover in the car care market. The one contains alcohol and another contains oil. Pika Pika Rain Glass Coating contains alcohol, so please choose the same type of oil remover.
Ion Deposit (Water spots) Remover
Water spots are very hard to be removed by daily washing.
Pika Pika Rain water spots remover is possible to remove them easily. It is simpler than using polishing machine, so we recommend to apply for partial water spots.
Preparation for a new car
A new car doesn’t have remarkable dirt and scratch, so we think that polishing with compound is not necessary. Glass coating lasts long by applying oil remover.
Washing with car shampoo
-Drying completely with microfiber cloth and applying oil remover
-Applying glass coating
Preparation for a secondhand car
In this case, you must do preparation. Polish with compound completely and remove scratch and dirt on the car body.
Washing with car shampoo
– Polishing with compound to remove scratches and strong water spots
(If water spots are partial, only applying water spots remover is fine.)
– Washing with car shampoo to remove compound completely
– Drying completely with microfiber cloth and applying oil remover
– Applying glass coating
If you apply in above steps, the beauty of glass coating is brought out!
Find a combination to fit your budget and lifestyle.
We introduced about car dealers, car detailers and DIY glass coating. We hope you understand each advantages, disadvantages and the market price. Please don’t forget that the market price is only a target figure, so that asking car detailers to make a quotation is the best way to check the exact price.
“I’m interested in DIY glass coating, but I don’t have enough place / confidence to apply…”
“I’m anxious about scratches on my second car, but I don’t have any equipment to polish…”
If you cannot find your best style from three ways which we introduced, how about these combinations below?
Bring a glass coating product to car dealers or car detailers
Actually, some of our customers bring Pika Pika Rain Glass Coating to their favorite car detailers and ask them to apply it. You need to discuss with them, but there is worth to try it if you have any friendly car dealers or car detailers.
Asking only preparation for glass coating to car detailers
Also our other customers ask car detailers to remove scratches, water spots and iron filings which they reluctant to do. Then they apply Pika Pika Rain by themselves.
The average price for glass coating
Types | Car dealers | Car detailers | DIY products |
Light automobile (Hustler, Lapin…etc.) |
From 50,000 JPY | Under 10,000 JPY (Some products can apply two cars.) |
SS size (Aqua, Vitz, Roadster…etc.) |
From 55,000 JPY | Under 10,000 JPY | |
S size (Insight, Axela…etc.) |
From 60,000 JPY | ||
M size (Prius, Levorg, Skyline…etc.) |
From 65,500 JPY | ||
L size (Crown, CX-5, Cercior…etc.) |
From 70,000 JPY | ||
LL size (Priusα, Harrier, X-TRAIL…etc.) |
From 75,000 JPY | ||
3L size (Voxy, Serena, Odyssey…etc.) |
From 80,000 JPY | ||
4L size (Alphard, Vellfire, Hiace…etc.) |
From 85,000 JPY | Under 20,000 JPY (Need two bottles for a large / wide car.) |
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Everyone has own idea about which points they want to save. For example, time, price, effort…etc.
Please compare and examine your preference and compromise points until you can find the best way to apply glass coating!