Mr. A.N / Hygo Japan MAZDA CX-5 2018model

Photo no.1

Photo no.2

Photo no.3

Photo no.4

Photo no.5

Photo no.6

Photo no.7

I applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating after 6 months I bought my brand new car.
It doesn’t get dirt easily and almost all dirt can be removed by washing with water.
By the way, I also used Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K after car wash.

Now, 6 months have passed since I applied it, but the durability is still amazing and water repellency doesn’t change from when application.

Photo no.1 & 2 show before application, and from photo no.3 show after application.
You can see the gloss changes dramatically.
I was surprised that the press-lines got noticeable even though the white car body.

I think applying in end of summer or autumn is best as not to heat the hood under a brazing sun.
Moreover, before full cured, you don’t allow to get the car wet, so you should be careful about frost and rainy season.
Regarding as spring, there are many pollen, so you should check the weather forecast carefully.