Mr. Y.O / Aomori, Japan / HONDA ODESSEY 2016model

I applied Nano Pika Pika Rain 2 weeks later
The car body gets more gloss and also the touch became smooth.

After washing, I didn’t wipe the water,
then I completed the application like below;
spraying 2 times onto Microfiber Cloth, wiping on the car body, tearing the Microfiber cloth, wiping again and then wiping with another dry Microfiber Cloth .

You can apply it beautiful if you do the work like this.
The reflection became beautiful for a dark color.

If only applying Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM, the touch is like a glass,
so Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K is recommended for you who want to the smooth touch.

The amount seems 6 times using I think.