Mr. T.I / Saitama Japan MAZDA CX-5 2008model

【Before application】

【After application】

I applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating in October 21, 2018.
It was sunny, but not hot, so the liquid didn’t dry quickly.
Then I could apply it smoothly event though my first time.

I thought that ceramic coating was more time consuming than wax.
However, I eradicated the image after I met Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating.

It was difficult to find the difference due to brand new, but after application was much shiner when I compared with photos.
I want to keep this beautiful condition for long time.
Moreover, it repelled water surprisingly while driving in rainy days and there are less water spots on the car body.
I’m going to wait eagerly for rainy days.

Mr. T.B / Kanagawa Japan DAIHATSU ESSE 2008model

【Before Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM application】
The last coating doesn’t repel anymore as it has passed a long time since I applied.
Also I haven’t washed my car for long time, the car body looks dark and dull

【After 14 days Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM application】
I did car wash, removing iron fillings and removing the oil with Pika Pika Rain Oil Remover as preparation.
Then I applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating in the garage.
Obviously the water was sliding on the car body.
I think that “water sliding effect” is the perfectly fitting phrase.
My car is almost 10 years old, but it got the nice gloss that I might mistake for a brand new car.

Mr. M.H / Aichi Japan MAZDA ATENZA 2015model

I want to drive my car for long time beautifully even though I bought 3 years old second hand car, therefore I researched about car ceramic coating on the Internet.

To be honest, I thought there were not so differences whichever I chose,
but finally I decided Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating which has many good reviews.

I applied it after car wash which I did it more carefully than usual, but it finished earlier than I expected.
I read that many people remained the liquid, but I used whole the bottle.

Next day, I was impressed by the water repellency when it was raining.

The water repelled and sided!

It was still shiny the next day.

The video shows after 1 week application, but the beautiful car makes me relish and I can go for work every day happily.
I was looking for a nice car ceramic coating as it is difficult to wash my car frequently due to rough hands by my job.
I thought that my decision was correct.

I recommend it to you if you’re still thinking.
It should be worth more than price.

I’m looking forward to check the results from now on.
Thank you so much for developing such as a nice product!

Mr. S.N / Ibaragi, Japan / TOYOTA HARIEER GR SPORTS 2018model

I applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM to my brand new car on the day of my brand new car delivery.
In my case, I used half of the bottle.
I could do the work as wiping after applying the liquid was so easy.

Then I test the water repellency after 2 weeks application.

It was beautiful!

Also it was sliding on the car body smoothly as you can see the video.
I was very satisfied with results and felt a sense of achievement.

I’m going to try to second application when I’m free.
Asking for professionals is so easy, but DIY is cost effective and I become attached to my car more.

Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating is said 3 years durability,
but I’m willing to apply it every year.

Mr. Y.H / Kanagawa Japan VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT VARIANT 2015model

3 years has passed since I bought my car and
I applied Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating which has many good reviews.

I polished with compound and applied Pika Pika Rain Oil Remover before Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM Ceramic Coating application.
It was easier to apply than I expected, so it was easy if you applied carefully even though for the first time.

In my case, I was hurry to apply due to the very hot weather, and there were some foggy parts, but it looks not so noticeable.

After application I was impressed that clouds reflected on the car body beautifully.

When I compare with the water repellency, after application repels smoothly.

From now on, I want to maintain this condition with Nano Pika Pika Rain Type-K.