Mr. O.S. / Fukuoka, Japan / Toyota Noah Hybrid 2014

When I bought a brand new car, I was wondering if I should ask a car dealer to apply coating or not.
I was checking car coating on internet and found Pika Pika Rain that has a great reputation.
But I wasn’t sure if I could do ok.
I saw reviews saying it’s easy and the result is great so decided to try.
I applied Super Pika Pika Rain on the day my car was delivered.
I washed the car with car shampoo and dried with microfiber cloth.
To dry completely I used a blower.
I put the liquid on the roof, rear, side and front.
It’s really easy to apply.






Mr. S.Y. / Kanagawa, Japan / Suzuki Spacia 2014

I bought a first black color brand-new car and I decided to try Hyper Pika Pika Rain

after checking reviews on internet.

I park my car outside and no roof.

I washed the car with car shampoo and rinsed then wipe off to dry whole car.

Hyper Pika Pika Rain application was easy as read on reviews, the liquid spread very well.

Then I wiped off with a cloth gently.

I was a little worried if I would do ok but no problem.

Next morning it was frosted but no effect on the coating.

2/3 of the liquid left so I re-applied again in 2 weeks.



The finish is brilliant, car body is like a mirror.

I hope this lasts for 3 years.

And I will get Nano Pika Pika Rain detailing spray soon for maintenance.




Nissan Fuga350GT 2005 / Tokyo, Japan / Mr. K.T.

I started preparation at 11 pm and washed the car completely and dried.

Then I applied Super Pika Pika Rain.

I checked all parts if I applied properly so it took about 2 hours to complete Super Pika Pika Rain application.

Photos are 12 hours after application under sunshine.

The mirror-like reflection is fantastic.












Mr. S.K. / Saitama, Japan / Mazda Atenza Wagon 2013

I applied Super Pika Pika Rain on my new car. I washed my car with car shampoo and dried it completely as on the instruction. At first sponge didn’t move smoothly with about 4 drops of Super Pika Pika Rain liquid but after a while it’s changed to smooth. You don’t need to push hard, just slide lightly. I applied parts by parts like half of roof and half of hood. Also I applied wheels but the liquid still left. I was not confident if I could do well by myself but no problem!

Mr. Y.U. / Gifu, Japan / Honda FIT.RS 2011

I tried various kinds of car care products. Lately I used a car detail spray because it’s easy and can get good finish but the durability was the problem. Super Pika Pika Rain is as easy as the detail spray I mentioned and gives even better luster. Also the glass coat lasts up to 3 years.