Mr. K.N / Nagano, Japan / Toyota Noah 2017model

Before application – after driving in rain

Before application

After application

Water repellency after application

After application

After application


I saw Youtube videos and decided to buy Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM.

This liquid spreads very well and easy to apply.
As on the instruction, I wipe with the microfiber cloth just after sponge application
and I found you do not need to wipe hard.

Here are 2 great points of Pika Pika Rain PREMIUM.
1. Water repellency
It is amazing. I pour water again and again to see the great water repelleny.
2. Easy to dry

Water slides off and less water drops stay so it’s easy to wipe and dry.
Time saving!

Names and natures do often agree. My car becomes PIKA PIKA (=shiny).
I tried various car waxes and car coatings but Pika Pika Rain is the best.