Pika Pika Rain Series : Buy Online

Pika Pika Rain Water Spots Remover


  • Perfect preparation for Pika Pika Rain Ceramic Coating
  • Takes care of the stubborn water spots that cannot be removed by regular car wash
  • It does not contain abrasive so does not harm the car body.
  • Easy application

If you leave water stay on the car after raining or car washing, minerals crystallize and change to many white spots.

Once you get stubborn water spots, these cannot be removed by normal car shampoo.

Pika Pika Rain Water Spots Remover is a strong remover against stubborn water spots.

30 seconds to light dirt by 1 drop on cotton and 1minute to strong dirt by 1 drop on cotton.

Please don’t leave this liquid stay longer than 1 minute in order not to cause extra resolution by remaining liquid.