We’ve been engaged in the car coating business for many years in Japan and in other countries. Pika Pika Rain is our own brand of glass coating [ ceramic coating ] products and other related products. Pika Pika Rain products are created for car owners and car detailers, and the main benefits include:
ECO = Save Time, Money, and the Earth!
Pika Pika Rain was developed using our own original technology and manufacturing method.
The most unique characteristic is that Pika Pika Rain forms a 100% genuine-glass coating [ ceramic coating ] on your car and the coat lasts for up to *5 years durability. (*There are several kinds of products, and period of durability depends on the type of product, which can last anywhere from three to five years at the longest).
Pika Pika Rain makes daily-car-care easier! The glass coat helps protect your car from getting dirty and makes washing dirt off easier too! After applying the Pika Pika Rain glass coat, you do not have to wash your car as often as before, saving time and effort! Additionally, the washing time is significantly reduced when compared to an non-Pika Pika Rain coated car.
You do not have to spend as much time washing your car as you did before, as dirt can now easily be removed from the glass-coating layer. The car washing time is significantly reduced compared to washing a non-Pika Pika Rain-coated car, because there is much more overall protection.
How long does a can of wax last for your car? How often do you have to wax in a year, 3 or 4 times? Do you need to use car shampoo when washing? Once you apply a Pika Pika Rain glass coat to your car, you will no longer need to buy wax or car shampoo, making daily-car-care much easier!
As explained above, you do not need to use car shampoo when you wash your car. Why? Because your car is protected by the Pika Pika Rain glass coat! Pika Pika Rain technology transforms liquid into a 100% inorganic genuine-glass layer. Our products are made in Japan, and the 100% glass coating [ ceramic coating ] (SiO2) technology has been patented in both the U.S. and Japan.
Once your car is protected by the Pika Pika Rain glass coat you will not need to use car shampoo when washing your car, saving time, money and the Earth! Try Pika Pika Rain and see the difference!